В последнее время мне нравится публиковать в блоге именно практические статьи. Когда вы можете мгновенно пополнить свой словарный запас парой интересных английских словечек и применить их в речи. Сегодня, например, предлагаю выучить несколько weather idioms.
a face like thunder - лицо темнее тучи
Ex.: I don't know what had happened but he had a face like thunder.
it never rains but it pours - беда не приходит одна
Ex.: Ted and Kate are talking. --> Ted: I can't believe this. This morning I went to the shop to buy the present for my uncle. In the shop I discovered I didn't have any money, and I couldn't even charge it because my credit card's expired. Then I went outside and missed my bus! Kate: It never rains but it pours.
chase rainbows - гнаться за недостижимым
Ex.: I don't think my parents ever believed I'd become a singer. They thought I was just chasing rainbows.
a storm in a teacup - буря в стакане воды
Ex.: I think it's all a storm in a teacup - there's no danger to public health at all.
every cloud has a silver lining - нет худа без добра
Ex.: I know, that your boss has fired you. But don't despair. Every cloud has a silver lining. You can start your own business now!
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Выучите также английские идиомы о жизни, посмотрите примеры и послушайте озвучку.
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