Английские слова much, many, few нужны для обозначения количества объектов, когда конкретное их число не называется.
Much означает "много" и употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными; many также означает "много", но употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными; few обозначает "мало" и употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными.
I don't have _____ time.
I have got _____ friends, but they're really close to me.
I have _____ respect for him.
Unfortunately, they have _____ ideas to solve this problem.
I don't have _____ to say. I know very little.
I didn't have very _____ sleep.
The news created _____ emotions.
There aren't _____ days left before the trip.
He has _____ job to do, so don't wait for him!
There were _____ people there yesterday. It was so crowded!
There's _____ snow in winter.
The students made _____ mistakes. What a pity!
We didn't drink _____ coffee.
Are there _____ new teachers at school?
It was hard to find any information. There were _____ books on the topic at that bookshop.